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Interview With Anna Pater

Can you tell us more about yourself? How did your love affair with digital arts begin?

Hello! My name is Anna Pater and I am graphic designer from Poland.  My love affair with digital arts began around 4 years ago and it was connected with making a simple layout for my blog. I found it very interesting and fun, so I started to search other forms of graphic expressions such as digital art projects displayed on different sites. The first site which introduced me to so many inspirations was deviantart.com. Then I was already sure that my graphic design adventure will be amazing and full of joy.

Where do you usually draw inspiration?

In the first place I gather my ideas in my mind. The initial visualization is already in my head. Sometimes I draw some concept on paper. But everything will come out when I'll begin a concrete project. Such a confrontation usually gives many different changes.

Can you describe your style?

I have to admit that my style is hard to describe. I noticed that  it isn't concrete or uniform. My style is rather experimental with a variety of inspirations coming out from amazing graphic designers from all other the world. I just want to express myself with colors and forms – this is simply my personal style.

Do you have a creative ritual?

My "creative ritual" usually begins with searching of suitable images for my project. When I finally get them, I have a look at the folder with gathered graphic inspirations one more time. Next is simply work with programs, which help me create my vision more perceptible. Of course, I'm listening to my favorite music when I'm doing everything from the ritual.

What techniques do you use in creating your artwork?

I don't use sophisticated techniques. I just simply mix available options in Adobe Photoshop and sometimes Illustrator. Still I haven't discovered the whole amount of combinations, which could give a nice variety of effects.
Are there any medium you particularly love to work with? Why?
It is obviously I adore work with Adobe Photoshop at my MacOS. It is the best medium for me, because gives me a great palette of options  and tools.

Can you tell us more about your entry, "Positive variations"? What was the concept/inspiration behind it?

Just like I wrote at my portfolio it is a piece of positive variations as my training vision of David Mascha's "My Series". His creativity was my inspiration for that project. Besides it was some kind of a new lesson of a fresh way in creating abstract forms.

What materials do you most enjoy working with?

Images – materials I really enjoy working with. I love photomanipulations and abstract graphic. It makes concrete scene fascinating and full of dynamics.

Do you apply innovations for each new project you create?

I try to apply at least one innovation for each project. Because I experiment with many styles and shapes I hope you can feel the result in my works. On the other hand I often use the same effects, but in a different scene.

Thank you so much for this interview! Any final message for our readers?

The most important thing is to have a passion. A passion which simply gives you joy and make you happy. I hope some or every one of our readers will find it in the graphic design world. Thanks to all!
Ice Cream



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