Space probe unmanned Juno will "see" the clouds of Jupiter to search for clues about the birth of the solar system.
On Friday, 5/8/2011, NASA launched the space probe unmanned Juno to Jupiter in a quest for what lies beneath the clouds covering the planet. Juno is attached to the Atlas missile V and launched from Air Force Base located in Cape Canaveral, Florida (USA) at 12h25PM (U.S. Eastern Time) on 5/8/2011. Good weather and a perfect launch takes place. The NASA scientists hope
the information from Jupiter or will confirm their theory of the solar system was formed like, but acknowledged it can change everything they thought they knew. On 05/08/2011, the spacecraft weighs 4 tons began the journey lasted five years Jupiter - the biggest planet in the system face Sun.3 Juno is equipped with solar panels 10.36 m long, with an antenna mounted in the middle, makes Juno look like a windmill, NASA noted. NASA estimates that Juno will come Jupiter in December 8 / 2016. Once there, the probe will take about a year surveying the planet and its moons. Juno sends back detailed images of Jupiter's magnetic field. The instruments aboard the spacecraft will also attempt to determine whether there is a solid core beneath the colorful clouds of the planet or not.